Thank You Fr. Joe!

by Father Robert Fambrini, S.J.   |  07/19/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini

In January, 2019, we were blessed as Jesuits West sent Father Joe O'Keefe, S.J. to St. Francis Xavier. Sadly, Father Joe will be leaving St. Francis at the end of the month for his new assignment at Bellarmine Prep San Jose.

His thoughtful oversight of the Pastoral Department engaged our staff and parishioners as we implemented new programs that will unveil this Fall. His benevolent nature will be missed by all who had the good fortune to work by his side.

Please join us in wishing him our very best on his new assignment.

Father Joe, we hold you in our hearts.

Father Robert Fambrini, S.J.

Gracias Fr. Joe!

En enero del 2019, fuimos bendecidos cuando Jesuitas West envió al Padre Joe O'Keefe, S.J. a San Francisco Xavier. Lamentablemente, el Padre Joe se irá de St. Francis a finales del mes para su nueva asignación en Bellarmine Prep San José.

Su cuidadosa supervisión del Departamento Pastoral involucró a nuestro personal y feligreses a medida que implementamos nuevos programas que se revelarán este otoño. Su naturaleza benevolente será extrañada por todos los que tuvieron la suerte de trabajar a su lado.

Por favor, únanse a nosotros para desearle lo mejor en su nueva asignación.

Padre Joe, te tenemos en nuestros corazones.

Father Robert Fambrini, S.J.