Dress For the Job You Want

by Fr. George Teodoro, S.J.  |  10/31/2022  |  From Fr. Teodoro

A common piece of advice in the business world is to “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Putting in the extra time and effort to present yourself as “management material” often has the very real effect not only others regarding you in a more positive light, but it can also remind you that you are worthy of such respect and trust and should therefore act like it.


A Gospel Reflection

by Fr. Dan Sullivan, SJ  |  10/23/2022  |  From Fr. Dan Sullivan

There is a saying that if the gospel message does not pique our conscience, then we have not heard the gospel. Today, based on the first reading from the Book of Sirach, the focus is on the contrast of the “haves and the have nots”. It is not God’s fault that this is the global reality of injustice that we live in.


A Gospel Reflection

by Deacon Tom Klein  |  10/16/2022  |  From Deacon Tom Klein

There’s an old but good story (and for you true historians, apparently, it’s just a story) about Winston Churchill’s last public speech. As the story goes, late in 1964, the then 90-year-old former British Prime Minister was invited to give the commencement address at a small college in London. He had not appeared in public in many years, but to everyone’s surprise, he accepted the invitation.


A Letter from our Pastor

by Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, SJ  |  10/09/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

From a previously printed bulletin on August 18, 2019…A message from Fr. Bob Fambrini, SJ.

My personal reflection continues…

Unlike today when vocations to religious life normally are second careers, the vast majority of my novice classmates in 1967 were right out of high school.


A Message From Our Pastor

by Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, SJ  |  10/03/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

From a previously printed bulletin on August 11, 2019…

I am happy to continue a tradition here at St. Francis Xavier of submitting a weekly letter to the parishioners. This is a practice I am not used to; however, I welcome this new challenge. I thought that since I am new, I would spend my first few letters with autobiographical information, highlighting important moments in my life as a Jesuit (52 years) and as a priest (40 years).


Ministry and Financial Highlights

by Fr. Bob Fambrini, S.J.  |  09/26/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

There is life after death. Death is not the end but a door to something more. The gospel we read today shows us that there is one of two eternal destinations beyond that door.


A Gospel Reflection

by Fr. Tom Griffin, SJ  |  09/18/2022  |  From Fr. Tom Griffin

As you may know, God is full of surprises! He surprised me two years ago when I was assigned to St. Francis Xavier parish. Now, He has surprised me again as I have been assigned to the Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos, California.


A Gospel Reflection

by Fr. Dan Sullivan, SJ  |  09/11/2022  |  From Fr. Dan Sullivan

The gospel reading for today is very familiar to us. It is the story of the Prodigal Son. The late Fr. Henri Nouwen (1932-1996) wrote a renowned book, "The Return of the Prodigal Son."


Christ and the Spirituality of Work

by An Article from International Catholic Stewardship Council  |  09/04/2022  |  News

On the first Monday of September, the U.S. observes Labor Day, a celebration of the strength and contributions of the nation’s work force. The holiday goes back many years. Congress passed an act establishing it in 1894, and it was promoted by labor unions as they grew in power.


A Letter from our Pastor

by Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, SJ  |  08/28/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Recently I met with my Pastoral Council to discuss how we will move forward this Fall following up on the Synod feedback we got from many of you in the Spring. More than a few commented on the fact that they did not really expect anything to come from their sharing of cares and concerns. It is for this reason that I feel it is important that we make every effort to follow up on the suggestions and comments made.


A Reflection

by Fr. Tom Griffin, SJ  |  08/14/2022  |  From Fr. Tom Griffin

In today’s gospel Jesus doesn’t sound anything like himself! The Jesus we know and love usually talks about love, peace, kindness and mercy. At the Last Supper, Jesus said that he was giving his peace to his disciples, a peace that the world could not give and that no one could take away. That is still the essence of Jesus.


A Reflection

by Fr. Dan Sullivan, SJ  |  08/07/2022  |  From Fr. Dan Sullivan

The gospel reading from Luke quoting Jesus: “Do not be afraid. Gird your loins. Sell your goods and give generously to those in need. Don your traveling clothes; keep the porch light on; stay by the door awaiting your Master’s return.”
