Catholic Education allows us to BUILD!

by Ryan Watson  |  01/26/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Greetings in Christ and Happy Catholic Schools Week!

We reflect and give thanks for the many gifts the Lord has given us, and one of those very special gifts is that of Catholic education. Catholic education helps to establish a foundation, along with parent and parish partnership, that is crucial to the formation of each child. We are excited to celebrate Catholic Schools Week both locally and nationally on January 26 through February 1. It is a week where we honor our inspiring students who provide so much hope for the future, our amazing faculty and staff who commit each day to help our students grow, and our incredible parents who understand partnership and the true value of a Catholic education. Most importantly, we give thanks to the Lord for allowing us the opportunity to come together in a place where we can praise Him, love one another, and travel intentionally on our faith and academic journey.


From the Pastor

by Father Robert Fambrini, S.J.   |  01/19/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear Beloved in Christ,

As we begin a new year, I thought it appropriate to acknowledge the depth of your response when asked to financially contribute to our parish faith community.

Through a variety of programs, we’ve asked much of you; and you've responded faithfully. When I stood before you as your new pastor last October, I spoke to you of my vision for the parish, and while sharing this vision, asked you to support the parish during the Annual Appeal. To date, nearly half of our registered parishioners have submitted their response card. Many of you also are registered to give through Online Giving; please complete a card for our records regardless of how you contribute.


A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

by Father Robert Fambrini, S.J.  |  01/12/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini

As you read this, I am far away. Last summer I was offered one of those opportunities of a lifetime: a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Our large group of about 100 Spanish-speaking pilgrims is based out of San Diego and Tijuana. Please keep us in your prayers and I look forward to sharing my experiences of my time away with you in this space as soon as I get back. My first day back in the office will be January 22.

Enjoy the blessings of the new year.

In Christ,

Father Robert Fambrini


Following the Star

by Bishop Robert Barron  |  01/06/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Our modern culture suggests a tension between spirituality and religion. But the Magi in today’s Gospel demonstrate that when spirituality is lifted up by revelation—when the Magi are told by the religious leaders where the Messiah is to be born—we find the object of our spiritual longing.

Let us take some time this week to review Sunday’s readings, listen to the complete homily by Bishop Barron and discover where the object of our spiritual longing is in our lives in the coming year.

Listen Here
