A Reflection on Psalm 97

by Fr. Dan Sullivan, SJ  |  03/27/2022  |  From Fr. Dan Sullivan

During this time in Lent, especially when there will be adults who will receive full incorporation in the Catholic Church at Easter Vigil, the scripture readings may be taken from Cycle A rather than Cycle C. The gospel selections for Mar 20, Mar 27 and Apr 3 are chosen to support the Catechumens as they move toward Easter Vigil.


St. Oscar Romero - Feast Day March 24

03/20/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Oscar Romero was born on the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 1917, in Ciudad Barrios, a mountain village in El Salvador near the Honduran border. He was the second of seven children. Romero's father wanted him to be a carpenter and as a young man he showed considerable promise. But he felt a strong call to the priesthood and pursued that vocation.

Romero studied in Rome and was ordained to the priesthood in 1942. He became a parish priest and later a seminary rector. He recognized the effectiveness of radio as a means of evangelizing and convinced five radio stations to broadcast his homilies and pastoral reflections. He continued to rely on the electronic pulpit throughout the remainder of his life, making it a popular platform for his ministry.


Cannons and Canonizations

by Fr. George Teodoro, SJ  |  03/13/2022  |  From Fr. Teodoro

In 1521, Ignatius lead Spanish forces against a rebellion from the kingdom of Navarre, supported by France. This rebel group included the Xavier clan, which fought on the side of Navarre. At this battle, Ignatius was struck by the cannonball which changed the direction of his life. But while Ignatius was experiencing his mystical visions and pioneering the Spiritual Exercises, he was also arrested at least twice by the Inquisition on suspicion of heresy.


We can always trust God

by Fr. Dan Sullivan, SJ  |  03/06/2022  |  From Fr. Dan Sullivan

Today is the First Sunday of Lent. There are many avenues we could take to provide us with reflection material as we join Jesus in this 40-day pilgrimage.

Mr. Larry Hopp, a retired faculty member at Creighton University, offers us this thought: “Psalm 91 strongly reinforces the unmistakable fact of God's presence, specifically in the challenging moments of our lives.
