Communities of Faith

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, SJ  |  05/09/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Normally during the year our Sunday readings have a central theme running through the first (Old Testament) and third (Gospel) readings. That is, except the Easter Season.

Throughout the Sundays of Easter joy we are treated to a history lesson in our first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles. This is the story of how, after Jesus’s ascension, our first communities of faith began. In many ways it is hard to imagine that the same people who turned their backs on Jesus in his hour of greatest need are the same folks now fearlessly going out into the streets to preach, getting arrested and persecuted for His name.


The Grace of the Resurrection

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, SJ  |  04/04/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

The fourth and final week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius is Jesus risen from the dead. Since we are always living in the time of Jesus resurrected, the retreat never really ends. During the retreat, the retreatant is asked to pray for a specific grace, one geared to the spirit of that particular week. The grace for the fourth week is to enter into the joy of Jesus raised from the dead. This is more difficult than one would image. (Most of us find it easier to remain in the third week of Jesus’s passion and death, especially after this past year because of all we have lost).


A time of Renewal

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, SJ  |  02/28/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

One of the most welcome blessings of being a religious is the opportunity to spend a week of prayer and renewal each year on an annual retreat. Tomorrow I will leave to make my retreat at the Redemptorist Renewal Center, returning to the office on March 12. Since I will go completely offline for those days (another blessing!), please contact my assistant Clara Arvayo should you need help with anything.


Staff Changes

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, S.J.  |  02/07/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

In light of Laura Jordan’s departure from our pastoral staff, I am happy to report that Maeghyn Thornton has been offered, and has accepted, the business manager position. Maeghyn has spent the last 2.5 years working in the business operations of the parish, and is aware of the processes, our vendors, and perhaps more importantly, our parishioners. She will oversee the day-to-day business operations and collaborate with Mark Krysiak (Boudreau Consulting LLC) as he creates the FY22 budget. Mark Krysiak will serve the parish (and school) as our accountant and the primary overseer of our finances. In addition, Maeghyn will continue to work as the manager of events in Anderson Hall.


Apoligies are in Order

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, S.J.  |  01/31/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Earlier this month a Chicago newspaper reported that on the weekend after the insurrection on the Capitol, a local Catholic priest went to his pulpit to apologize to his congregation for his complicity for what took place. Here is how he explained himself. A year ago, when the president proclaimed that the Covid-19 virus would simply disappear, he remained silent. When he began to push unscientific and unproven cures, the pastor did not respond. When the president reiterated over and over again how the process of voting by mail was illegal and how the results would be fraudulent, the pastor kept his mouth shut. When the president used his rallies and social media to push numerous conspiracy theories, including how the election had been stolen, the pastor said nothing. Ultimately when even small untruths go unchecked, especially in our current political climate, they can become small fires in tinder dry brush. The result is destruction and death. This is what almost happened to our democracy on January 6.


Thank You, Laura Jordan

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, S.J.  |  01/17/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear Parishioners of St. Francis Xavier:

I regret to inform you that Laura Jordan, my parish manager, has submitted her resignation, effective January 27. As you may know, Laura was hired by Fr. Dan Sullivan to bring the capital campaign to a conclusion. She successfully completed that task in June and has moved us on to the restoration of our dome. As parish manager she has helped with our many new hires during the past year and has shepherded us through tricky financial waters during the pandemic. Laura has faithfully served three pastors and, speaking personally, she has made my transition as pastor here at SFX the smoothest I have ever experienced. Because she always cleared everything with me before-hand, I had the confidence in her to state that when she spoke, I was speaking. I will miss her daily guidance, wise counsel, and many kindnesses here in the office but I know our friendship will remain. Now, along with her husband Michael, she has the opportunity to expand their restoration business. Please join me in wishing Laura all the best as she looks forward to “once again simply being a parishioner in the pew.”


Apoligies are in Order

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, S.J.  |  01/31/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Earlier this month a Chicago newspaper reported that on the weekend after the insurrection on the Capitol, a local Catholic priest went to his pulpit to apologize to his congregation for his complicity for what took place. Here is how he explained himself. A year ago, when the president proclaimed that the Covid-19 virus would simply disappear, he remained silent. When he began to push unscientific and unproven cures, the pastor did not respond. When the president reiterated over and over again how the process of voting by mail was illegal and how the results would be fraudulent, the pastor kept his mouth shut. When the president used his rallies and social media to push numerous conspiracy theories, including how the election had been stolen, the pastor said nothing. Ultimately when even small untruths go unchecked, especially in our current political climate, they can become small fires in tinder dry brush. The result is destruction and death. This is what almost happened to our democracy on January 6.


Thank You, Laura Jordan

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, S.J.  |  01/17/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear Parishioners of St. Francis Xavier:

I regret to inform you that Laura Jordan, my parish manager, has submitted her resignation, effective January 27. As you may know, Laura was hired by Fr. Dan Sullivan to bring the capital campaign to a conclusion. She successfully completed that task in June and has moved us on to the restoration of our dome. As parish manager she has helped with our many new hires during the past year and has shepherded us through tricky financial waters during the pandemic. Laura has faithfully served three pastors and, speaking personally, she has made my transition as pastor here at SFX the smoothest I have ever experienced. Because she always cleared everything with me before-hand, I had the confidence in her to state that when she spoke, I was speaking. I will miss her daily guidance, wise counsel, and many kindnesses here in the office but I know our friendship will remain. Now, along with her husband Michael, she has the opportunity to expand their restoration business. Please join me in wishing Laura all the best as she looks forward to “once again simply being a parishioner in the pew.”


Happy New Year!

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, SJ  |  12/27/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear Beloved in Christ:

It is hard to imagine that there is anyone out there who is not happy to see 2020 come to an end. To say the least, it has been challenging as we have all searched for some sense of normal. And yet we as people of faith have also experienced that God has been at work even at these most difficult of times. Several months ago, Cardinal Tobin of Newark described what we are going through these days as an apocalypse, not in the sense of death and destruction, but rather one of revelation. I have grappled with this question for months: what is God telling us through all of this? Entering a new year as we are called to remain alert and prepared, I believe that, in the person of a vulnerable human-God, we will be told. Meanwhile, mask up, live in hope of a vaccine and help build a better world.

Happy New Year!


Thanksgiving 2020

by Father Robert Fambrini, S.J.   |  11/22/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear Beloved in Christ,

As people of faith, through prayer and devotion, we express our gratitude for the blessings we receive.

During this season of Thanksgiving I'd like to suggest that we take time to notice our blessings more mindfully. By that I mean, to listen with greater intention to the sound of your children laughing, telling you a story from their day, or as they pray with you each night. To take a moment from your busy day-to-day rhythm to sit with a co-worker or friend and enjoy that special time -- without your phone nearby. And, start your day with a moment of quiet reflection, hands open, ready to receive what God has planned.


AIN Clergy Statement on the Election

11/01/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini


Voting is now underway at a torrid pace, and soon we will know the much-anticipated results of our pending election. Still, we hear misguided threats and attempts to cast doubt on the election process and how well ballots will be counted.

As faith leaders of the Arizona Interfaith Network who lead congregations that claim active members of all political persuasions, we want to remind all citizens that it is important to vote, regardless of your party affiliation, and to vote with confidence.

Arizona runs elections well. We employ highly professional election officials, and the state has become a model for mail in ballots. We have personally met in the past month with county and state officials overseeing the voting process. The work of these officials will be essential for an orderly election.
