Second Sunday in Lent: This is a Test

02/25/2024  |  Gospel Reflection

I used to wonder how God could lie to Abraham about sacrificing his son Isaac. But the story begins by telling us God put Abraham to the test. Abraham himself seems to know it’s a test—in verses left out or our reading, he tells the servants that he and Isaac will return after the sacrifice; he also tells Isaac that God will provide the offering. Apparently, I’m the only one fooled by God.


First Sunday of Lent: Clear Conscience

02/18/2024  |  Gospel Reflection

Usually, the first reading has something in common with the gospel. Today’s however, has more in common with the second reading from St. Peter. They both talk about Noah and the ark, where the few good people were saved by going through the water. Peter compares that to the waters of Baptism, in which we are saved by God. He also has an interesting image of Jesus “preaching to the spirits in prison.” It refers to the fallen angels whose disobedience lead the rest of the population to turn away from God. Just as God washed away the evil of the world in the waters of the flood, so the waters of Baptism made us into a new people who have clear consciences, both because God has forgiven our sins and because we promise to follow only Him.


Nothing Frightens Jesus Away

by Sr. Kathryn James Hermes  |  02/11/2024  |  Gospel Reflection

Two words in this Gospel are almost terrifying: Jesus “touched him.”

We are so far removed from what leprosy signified in biblical times, that this image of Jesus stretching out his hand to touch a person whose body was consumed by the disease has no effect on us.


What Do You Want?

by Tom Schmidt  |  02/04/2024  |  Gospel Reflection

Jesus was starting to become very popular, at least with the ordinary people. They had seen how he had cured the sick and cast out demons. The gospel has one unusual sentence about those demons: Jesus did not let them speak “because they knew who he was.” (Mk 1:34) Apparently, the demons would have identified him as the Son of God. Jesus knew the people would not understand this and try to proclaim him as their king. Jesus had no intention of living as a worldly king, in comfort and riches. In fact, he came to free people from needing wealth and power.


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Thunderbolts and Lightning

01/28/2024  |  Gospel Reflection

One of the most difficult duties of a disciple is to follow the command of Jesus to spread the gospel to all nations. (Lk 24:47, Mk 116:15, Mt 28:19) I think one reason may be that we don’t feel we have the authority to tell someone else what to believe. Most of us don’t think we know the gospel well enough to preach it. Or we are so afraid of offending atheists, that we use that fear as an excuse to say nothing. But being a disciple means following Jesus.


To Answer The Call

by Kate Taliaferro  |  01/21/2024  |  Gospel Reflection

Something very profound is going on in this brief passage about the call of the first apostles. Jesus calls, they follow. It’s a pretty simple cause and effect scenario. Yet, you and I both know that following Jesus is anything but simple these days…right? Or could it be that this passage is the perfect model for just how radical it is to follow Jesus?


Nostaligic Moments

by Alexis Dallara-Marsh  |  01/14/2024  |  Gospel Reflection

Don't you enjoy the nostalgia of pleasant memories, such as the beginning of a beautiful friendship?

How wonderful it is to relive the moment when Jesus called His first followers. I love to envision the sheer excitement and camaraderie that must have existed among those He called. An endless jubilee, God uniting with those He loves, ordinary human beings, you and me.


Reflections on Stewardship

by Tommy Shultz  |  01/07/2024  |  Gospel Reflection

The Church is very strategic in its placement of the readings throughout the year. Today's second reading is a perfect example of this when Paul talks about stewardship. It's no surprise that we hear about this on the Feast of the Epiphany when we commemorate the magi finding the baby Jesus and bringing him gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. I always thought this was funny because these seem like terrible gifts for a little baby, but maybe this whole story is meant to show us more about what to do with gifts as opposed to what the actual gifts are.


Let Our Adoration Never Cease

by Sister Kathryn James  |  12/24/2023  |  Gospel Reflection

I can remember cherished moments as a child turning the living room lights low on Christmas eve and sitting with a cup of hot chocolate before the nativity scene. I loved singing Christmas carols on that blessed evening, uniting myself in spirit to the angels who announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds over 2000 years ago. It was a magical moment for a child.


Gaudete Sunday

by Beth Price  |  12/17/2023  |  Gospel Reflection

Rejoicing is the theme of today’s readings on this Gaudete Sunday. We are filled with joy, because the Lord is coming and is almost here! “God is the joy of my soul,” the prophet Isaiah says in the first reading. He truly is my joy, my God, my all.


Strength in Weakness

by Tommy Shultz  |  12/03/2023  |  Gospel Reflection

Here we are at the beginning of one of the most beautiful liturgical seasons, the season that anticipates the word becoming flesh and dwelling among us. I don’t know about you, but it is typically at the start of a new season that I try to give my spiritual life a little boost. I typically try to settle on one or two things that I will do to draw closer to the Lord. Then inevitably, two or three days in I am reminded of my weakness and failures.


Christ Our King

by Tami Urcia  |  11/26/2023  |  Gospel Reflection

It seems that only when our lives are turned upside down do we realize what is truly important. Only when what we deemed important is no longer there, do we understand that so many things are actually rather unimportant. So what IS important? While the answer may vary somewhat, a few things should not falter to us as Christians.



by Dakota Pesce  |  11/19/2023  |  Gospel Reflection

In today’s Gospel, Luke recounts the story of the healing of the lepers. At the time of Christ, lepers were one of the most marginalized and isolated groups. In order to avoid spreading leprosy, which is highly contagious, they were not even allowed to live with their families. Those who had leprosy were without hope because their ailment could not be cured. Lepers were considered unclean and, therefore, sought purity. When they encounter Christ, they recognize Him as someone who can heal them and grant them purity. When Christ heals the ten lepers, He then tells them to show themselves to the priests so that they may be welcomed back into the community. However, only one of the ten comes back to offer praise and thanksgiving to Christ. And Christ’s response is, “Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.”


November: A Month to Reflect on Gratitude and Giving

by International Catholic Stewardship Council  |  11/12/2023  |  Gospel Reflection

Towards the end of each year, it is easy for us to become distracted with the busyness and planning for the upcoming holidays, starting with Thanksgiving. As Christian stewards, it is an important aspect of our faith to live each day in gratitude and to prayerfully discern and reflect on what we are giving back to God through our parish, diocese and other charitable institutions in the coming year. Now is a good time to reflect on what priority we will give to God in our spending.
